The night sky illuminated under the lava filled crater of Halemaʻumaʻu on the summit of  Kīlauea volcano

Halemaʻumaʻu Crater, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

The Mliky Way as seen from the Glass House Mountains National Park in Queensland, Australia

The Galactic Core of the Milky Way

A full moon in the southern night sky of the International Dark Sky Reserve at Lake Tekapo

A full moon shot through a telescope at Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

The super snow moon is the biggest full moon of 2019 as seen in Melbourne, Australia

"Super snow moon" - 19th February 2019

The phases of the blood moon lunar eclipse that took place on 28th July 2018 in Melbourne, Australia

Blood moon lunar eclipse - 28th July 2018

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow that turns the full moon red

Blood moon - 28th July 2018

The night sky in the Glass House Mountains, Queensland

The southern night sky as taken up in the Victorian Alps at Mt Buller

Great Dividing Range, Mt Buller

The moon setting behind some alpine gum trees at Mt Buller alpine village

Moonset, Mt Bulller

The Mt Coonowrin volcanic plug towers over the surrounding Glass House Mountains National Park underneath the night sky

Mt Coonowrin, Glass House Mountains

Mt Coonowrin underneath the southern night sky in the Glass House Mountains National Park

Mt Coonowrin, Glass House Mountains

The second full moon of January but with a lunar eclipse over the skies of Melbourne, Australia

"Super blue blood moon" - 31st January 2018

The phases of the super blood moon lunar eclipse that took place on 31st January 2018 in Melbourne, Australia

"Super blue blood moon" lunar eclipse - 31st January 2018

A waxing crescent moon as soon in the Southern Hemisphere

Waxing crescent moon in the Southern Hemisphere

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